Doubting Disciples and "Proof of Death"
Thomas' stipulations are as much proof that Jesus had, in fact, died as they were proof of his resurrection.
Nick is an editor at Theophaneia. He's a father of five and avid North Florida angler.
Thomas' stipulations are as much proof that Jesus had, in fact, died as they were proof of his resurrection.
Persecution and poverty of spirit do not run counter to the spirit of Christmas. In fact, such conditions are at the heart of incarnation itself.
Insofar as we persist in using the word eschatology, it cannot by definition, for us here and now, ever be fully "realized."
In a Christian theology of time, according to John Betz, time has more than just analogical value vis-à-vis eternity. It is, rather, eternity's "Marian bearer."
David Bentley Hart
The essential structure of all conscious mental agency is a relation to God as mind's only proper end, says David Bentley Hart.
If the disciples are to expect some kind of biological or spiritual progeny, then whence apocalypse?
Religious man lives in two kinds of time, of which the more important, sacred time, appears under the paradoxical aspect of a circular time – a sort of eternal mythical present periodically reintegrated by means of rites.
A careful reading of Genesis reveals a curious discrepancy between Yahweh's injunction and how Eve relates it whilst conversing with the Serpent.
Whatever is virtuous in light of our divine life in Christ must ever expect, with no exception or suspense, what is imminent.
In the opening chapter of East of Eden, John Steinbeck artfully (and rather wistfully) reports his take on the spiritual consciousness of American pioneers in the late 19th-century – many of them first- and second-generation immigrants, and therefore migrants twice over. Writing specifically about those families who settled in the Salinas