Reading List


  1. Seeing God: The Beatific Vision in Christian Tradition by Hans Boersma
  2. Heavenly Participation: The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry by Hans Boersma
  3. Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagiteby Eric Perl
  4. Thinking Being: Introduction to Metaphysics in the Classical Traditionby Eric Perl
  5. Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien’s World by Verlyn Flieger
  6. Owen Barfield on C.S. Lewis by Owen Barfield
  7. Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry by Owen Barfield
  8. God, Religion and Reality by Stephen R. L. Clark (with an introduction by David Bentley Hart)
  9. Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy: An Introduction by Stephen R. L. Clark
  10. The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss by David Bentley Hart
  11. The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth by David Bentley Hart
  12. Christian Platonism: A History by Alexander J. B. Hampton and John Peter Kenney
  13. Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premoden Exegesis by Craig A. Carter
  14. Contemplating God with the Great Tradition: Recovering Trinitarian Classical Theism by Craig A. Carter
  15. The Journey: A Spiritual Roadmap for Modern Pilgrims by Peter Kreeft
  16. Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for Our Times by Paul Tyson
  17. De-Fragmenting Modernity: Reintegrating Knowledge with Wisdom, Belief with Truth, and Reality with Beingby Paul Tyson
  18. The Iconic Imagination by Douglas Hedley
  19. Living Forms of the Imagination by Douglas Hedley
  20. From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith by Louis Markos
  21. Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics by Robert Merrihew Adams
  22. Poetic Knowledge: The Recovery of Education by James S. Taylor
  23. Aspects of Truth: A New Religious Metaphysics by Catherine Pickstock
  24. Platonic Poetics by Catherine Pickstock (Forthcoming: “In my main current project, I argue that philosophical access to the reality of the transcendent Forms is given a religious mediation in the dialogues.”)


  1. On Classical Christian Platonism: A Philosopher’s Reply to Carter” by Paul M. Gould. The London Lyceum. 2022.
  2. Christian Platonism: Some Comments on Its Past and the Need for Its Future” by Willemien Otten. The London Lyceum. 2022.
  3. Christian Platonism: A History: An Interview with John Peter Kenney” by Matthew Barrett (executive editor of Credo Magazine). John Peter Kenney is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Saint Michael’s College and co-author of Christian Platonism: A History. 2022.
  4. “Why Should We Affirm Christian Platonism?” by Craig A. Carter. 2021.
  5. “All One in Christ: Why Christian Platonism Is Key to the Great Tradition” by Hans Boersma. 2020.
  6. “A Massive Sea Change in Recent Theology” by Philip Gonzales. 2021.
  7. “Pushing Back: ‘Greek Thinking’ vs. ‘Jewish Thinking’ is a Dualistic Error” by Brad Jersak. 2016.
  8. “The Necessity of Platonism for Christian Theology” by Fr. Andrew Louth, partial transcription of his 2021 Robert Crouse Memorial Lecture.